Thursday 12 February 2015


What did the inland Emigrating Act of 1859 declare?
2. Name any one fossil fuel used to generate thermal electricity.
3. Give one special feature that distinguishes a pressure group from a political party.
4. Give one reason why multi party system has evolved in India.
5. With the help of an example each compare a single issue movement and a long term movement.
6. What is meant by ‘Fair Globalisation’?
7. Why do banks ask for collateral while giving credit to the borrower?
8. How will you justify that you are an alert consumer while buying a commodity from the market. Give two example/ situations to support you.
‘The merchants and industrialists made a significant contribution to the Civil Disobedience Movement’. In the light of the above statement, explain their role in the movement.
2. How reinterpretation of history created a sense of collective belongingness among different community of India?.
3. ‘Napoleon was a great administrator.’ Explain the statement in the light to the changes he brought about in France.
Highlight the contribution of women in the anti-imperial struggle in Vietnam. Did they succeed?
4. How have biogas plants proved to be a valuable source of energy in rural India? Give its three benefits.
5. Why do you think the northern plains of India provide favourable conditions where as the Himalayan mountains provide unfavourable conditions for the growth of railways? Give three reasons for both.
6. Assam with its extensive tea gardens and high production of crude oil has lot of potential for growth of tourism. What values are associated with promotion of tourism?
7. What are the differences between democratic and Non-democratic governments in the decisionShort Answers-
8. How will you justify that you are an alert consumer while buying a commodity from the market. Give two example/ situations to support you.
Short Answers-SA (3 marks)
1. ‘The merchants and industrialists made a significant contribution to the Civil Disobedience Movement’. In the light of the above statement, explain their role in the movement.
2. How reinterpretation of history created a sense of collective belongingness among different community of India?.
3. ‘Napoleon was a great administrator.’ Explain the statement in the light to the changes he brought about in France.
Highlight the contribution of women in the anti-imperial struggle in Vietnam. Did they succeed?
4. How have biogas plants proved to be a valuable source of energy in rural India? Give its three benefits.
5. Why do you think the northern plains of India provide favourable conditions where as the Himalayan mountains provide unfavourable conditions for the growth of railways? Give three reasons for both.
6. Assam with its extensive tea gardens and high production of crude oil has lot of potential for growth of tourism. What values are associated with promotion of tourism?
7. What are the differences between democratic and Non-democratic governments in the decision
making process?
8. How Deepening of Democracy is a major challenge to modern democracies? Explain
9. What do you mean by foundational challenge in democracy? What values can help to overcome this challenge?
10. Define the term ‘liberalization’. Explain the reasons for the Indian Government beginning the policy of liberalization in 1991.
11. We often complain about lack of civic amenities like erratic water and power supply, bad roads garbage disposal etc. Name the right that gives us the power of question? Discuss.
12. Ravi works in a leather bag manufacturing and export company. He feels insecure due to introduction of flexible labour laws. How can the government help him?
Long Answers-LA (5 marks)
1. “Equality before law did not stand for universal suffrage in France after the revolution”. Explain with suitable examples. Or
The French claimed that introduction of Modern Education to Vietnamese would create “an Asiatic France tied solidly to European France”. Explain the statement with suitable examples.
2. Categorize and discuss the different urban segments which joined the Non-Cooperation Movement.
3. What is the meaning of road density? Describe any four major problems faced by road transport in India.
4. If jute industry has to be set up which would be a better location? Damodar basin or Hugli basin? Give five reasons to support your answer.
5. Has democracy led to the promotion of dignity and freedom of citizens? Discuss with example.
6. Explain the role of Opposition Parties in a Democracy.
7. ‘The effect of Globalisation has not been uniform’. Do you agree? Give reasons to support your answer.
8. Compare and Contrast the conditions for taking loan from formal and uniformal sources. Suggest an alternative source that you think is best for the rural poor.
Short Answer-SA (3 Marks)-Map Questions
1 Identify and label the following on the map of India:
(a) The Congress Session where 26th January was declared as the day for Purna Swaraj
(b) The place where 22 policemen were burnt forcing Gandhiji to call of the non-cooperation movement
(c) The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre took place here
2. On the given political outline map of India:
a) Identify
A. Iron ore mine
B. Software technology park
b) Locate and label
Jawaharlal Nehru Port

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