Thursday 12 February 2015

SA2 2012-13
Std. X
Time allowed: 3Hrs Maximum marks: 90
General Instructions:
((i) There are 30 questions in all.
(ii) Marks for each question are indicated against the question.
(iii) Questions from 1 to 9 are Multiple Choice Questions of 1 mark each.
(iv) Questions from 10 to 21 are 3 mark questions. Answers of these should not exceed 80 words each.
(v) Questions from 22 to 29 are 5 mark questions. Answers of these should not exceed 120 words each.
(vi) Question 30 is a map question with 2 marks from History and 3 marks from Geography.
(vii) Attach the filled up map inside your answer books.
1.1. ‘When France sneezes, the rest of Europe catches cold’. These were the words of
(A) Lord Byron (B) Metternich (C) Johan Godfried (D) Louis Philippe
The Tonkin Free School was started in 1907 in Vietnam ---
(A) To provide a western style education
(B) To provide modern education
(C) To provide education to Vietnamese
(D) To provide basic education to Vietnamese 1
2. In which one of the following Indian National Congress sessions the demand for Purna Swaraj was adopted?
(A) Nagpur (B) Calcutta (C) Lahore (D) Madras 1
3. The largest bauxite producing state in India is
(A) Madhya Pradesh (B) Orissa (C) Uttar Pradesh (D) Jharkand 1
4. Which city has emerged as the electronic capital of India?
(A) Mumbai (B) Delhi (C) Bangalore (D) Hyderabad 1
5. Which mode of transportation reduces trans shipment losses and delays?
(A) Railways (B) Pipe lines (C) Road ways (D) Water ways 1
6. The protest against water privatisation in Bolivia was led by an organisation called
(A) NAPM (B) FEDECOR (C) BAMCEF (D) None of the above 1
7. The concept of Hindutwa was adopted by
(A) Bharathiya Janata Party
(B) Communist Party of India
(C) Indian National Congress
(D) Bahujan Samaj Party 1
8. Democracy is better than any other form of rule because it
(A) Promotes equality among citizens
(B) Enhances the dignity of the individual
(C) Improves the quality of decision making
(D) All the above 1
9. Formal sources of credit does not include
(A) Banks (B) Co-operatives (C) Employers (D) None of the above 1
10. Describe the process of unification of Italy.
Mention the features of the Hochi Minh trail in the Vietnamese war against the US. 3
11. How did the First World War help in the growth of National Movement in India? 3
12. Discuss the circumstances under which Gandhiji decided to call off the Civil
Disobedience Movement in 1931. 3
13. Mention the factors responsible for the location of jute industry in Hugli basin. 3
14. ‘Air transport is preferred in North Eastern states of India’. Why? 3
15. ‘The means of transportation and communication are called the life lines of
a nation and its economy’. Why? 3
16. ‘Conservation of minerals is significant in the present scenario’. Why? 3
17. What is a political party? Mention its important functions. 3
18. How do pressure groups and movements exert influence on politics? 3
19. Mention any three challenges to political parties. 3
20. What are the rights of a consumer? 3
21. ‘Self help groups are becoming popular now a days’. Why? 3
22. ‘Culture played a valuable role in the growth of nationalism in Europe’. Explain.
Mention the role of women in the anti imperial struggle in Vietnam. 5
23. Describe Gandhiji’s contribution to India’s Freedom Struggle. 5
24. How do industries pollute the environment? 5
25. ‘Democracy is seen to be good in principle, but felt to be not so good in
its practice’. Discuss. 5
26. ‘Many of the democracies of the world face the challenge of expansion and
challenge of deepening of democracy’. Justify. 5
27. ‘The impact of globalisation has not been uniform’. Discuss. 5
28. How does the RBI supervise the functioning of banks? 5
29. ‘Consumer redressal process is becoming cumbersome’. Why? 5
I) Two features are marked in the given political outline map of India. Identify these
features with the help of the following information and write their correct names
on the lines marked in the map.
(A) The place where the Indian National Congress session was held in 1927.
(B) The place where cotton mill workers started satyagraha.
Locate and label the following items with appropriate symbols on the same map.
(1) Amritsar
(2) Champaran
II) Three features A, B, and C are marked on the given political outline map of India.
Identify these features with the help of the following information and write their
correct names on the lines marked in the map.
(A) Oil Field
(B) Mica mine
(C) Iron ore mine
Locate and label the following items with appropriate symbols and write their correct
names on the same map.
(A) Bhilai Iron and Steel Plant
(B) Paradip Sea Port
(C) Kaiga Nuclear Power Plant

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